BA (Hons) Photographic Arts
This is only intended to give us an
idea of your areas of interest etc so that you can be put into more coherent
tutor groups. Fill in as much as you can – don’t worry about being vague at
this stage. Remember - this is not to be seen as a contract that you need to
stick to but rather a starting point. If you have more than one idea then
include both/all of them.
You must bring this to the first group
Name Lorna
Subject Area
will your subject matter be? what are
your areas of interest?)
not really sure of the exact subject matter yet but I have a large amount of
disposable cameras that I would like to use. I am interested in taking the images
out of my hands and giving them to others like I have done before and in my
previous project I worked with ‘selfies’ or self portraits. Through having a
large amount of cameras allows for a large amount of potential images which I
think a project like this works a lot better if there are a larger amount of
have a few ideas of what I could potentially do but I’m just currently not sure
where to go with it as there are so many things that I could do.
Giving the cameras out to different people and asking them to take a number of
different images all showing no human presence, this would link back to my
previous work but also my most recent, almost by linking the two together
although I think the thing that works well with the disposable camera images
with the snapshot images is the human presence as it gives it more character.
could potentially give the camera out to people and ask them to either take the
picture themselves or get someone to take a picture with one showing themselves
as they truly are and one showing themselves in a way which doesn’t portray
their personality at all. Through having these on the disposable camera it not
only gives more of a snapshot aesthetic which works with the ideas of not
knowing which is the truth and which isn’t as disposable cameras images give
off the ideas essentially of being taken for a personal reason, or occasion
instead of being for the photographic project as that is generally what it is
used for. I’m really interested in the idea of the unknown for this.
am also thinking about using the cameras for a documentary purpose by giving
the cameras out to people and asking them to use the camera to document
something that they are doing. This could be their day at work, something they’re
going off to do, essentially it could be anything. Just one day, of their
choosing. The images could be interesting and again it’s the idea of the
unknown and giving the choices to these people.
am also thinking of potentially asking them to document something specific. I’m
not sure what yet. I am thinking about the idea of asking them to photograph
one specific object so that the final piece would be this sheer amount of this
one object. I would want it to be something that could potentially relate to
overwhelming feelings, because with the final piece that will be the feeling
given off, because there will be so many images. With this idea, a few
guidelines would work best as I think a sense of unison within all of the
images would work best. For this at the moment, I am thinking about the idea of
beauty products, it works well with a project that I have been recently working
on and looking at what it takes to make a woman beautiful as today there are so
many products used. I could send out cameras to different women asking them to
photograph the products they use. I am interested in a lot of ideas that
surround this but I am unsure whether this is the way to go for this project.
could give people the cameras and give them a word and ask them to take
pictures relating to that word.
want this project to be more than literally being just photographs of
something. I want there to be meaning behind it because for me, I think that is
what makes a photographic project strong.
documentary/fashion/portraiture/constructed/landscape etc)
documentary, it just depends on the specific idea that I end up using.
video, multimedia)
using disposable cameras
a gallery or book, it could potentially work for both but honestly it depends
which idea I go with. Gallery is probably most likely.
Influences / References
photographers/artists/filmmakers/writers etc are you interested in?)
influences depend on the ideas but here are a list of those that have
influenced me to come across the ideas I have discussed
and Chanarin ‘Ghetto’ – handing the control of the imagery to the subject
Tohoku – Documentation of an earthquake where disposable cameras were given to
victims and they photographed anything of their choosing.
Magazine – a music magazine that documents what it is like to live in the life
of your favourite musician. Cameras are given to them by the magazine.
– The give disposable cameras out to people around the world of their choosing
including musicians and photograpers etc. They are asked to document one day in
27 exposures taking one photo per hour including a self portrait.
disposable memory project – a global photography experiment where disposable
cameras are left in places around the world with a message inviting the finder
to pick up the camera, take some pictures and pass the camera on, the camera is
then returned home and shared on a website.
the beauty idea:
Natural Beauty by Lernert and Sander
Naomi Wolf ‘The Beauty Myth’