Friday, 31 January 2014

TUTORIAL - 31/01/14

Today's tutorial was with a group of my peers and David Campany. I discussed my idea of how I want to produce a piece of work using a number of disposable cameras in some sort of way as an expansion to my previous piece of work (blog can be seen here). I want to take the power out of my hands and give it to my subjects as I find this relationship really interesting. I want the piece to be conceptually driven but I'm not sure exactly what I want to get my subjects to photograph yet. The different ideas are discussed in my previous post 'proposal'. 

The discussion was made as to how my directions should be very specific and I agreed as I wanted to make sure that I could get the best out of the photographs making as many as possible usable, the mistake I made last time was giving the subjects free reign over whether the image was portrait or landscape and the trouble was that with a project like this all of the imagery works best in a more uniform manner, and so because of this I decided to not use the portrait images. We discussed also that it would probably work best if a lot of direction is given as to what they photograph and how they photograph it because this will work best in a uniform manner along with working most effectively as images as it will be interesting to see how different people interpret the directions. I was also recommended to look at the recent Stephen Shore show in London. 

From the discussion and thinking about my work, there are a number of ways I could go with it. I could give one person a whole camera to use, giving them directions on each image and using it to reflect the personality of that person or I could give each person one image to take the picture with and would therefore end up with a large amount of that one image. 

I know that I want it to be based around being made for a gallery setting as I think this would work best, but it could essentially be adapted for a book setting as well as I think this sort of series of images could also work well within a book. 

I think the current decision just has to be about the subject matter and then I can begin the project by writing up the guidelines and giving out the cameras.

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