Friday, 14 March 2014


I've been thinking about the images that I got back yesterday and although at first I was really disappointed, and thought that maybe the project should be turned around in a completely different way, I am thinking that maybe this is the way it should be. By giving my subjects these cameras and through getting it developed in such a way that reflects how the subjects could develop them themselves it is taking a lot of the power out of my hands. I can't say whether the images will come out correctly, I can't say that they will take images in the right way. I can only guide what they are doing, and that is what I am doing by giving the cameras away with the list of images I want them to take, and then by getting the images developed in such a way - guiding the process. It works best if the project isn't about me, I don't want the imagery to be me impressing my ideas on them.

It is my output of ideas but they are then being taken through a process by the subjects allowing us to learn about them. You can tell that from the first series of images from 'subject 1' that they took the majority of the images within one room. Obviously this could be for certain specific reasons but all we can take as the viewer is what we see within the imagery. We form a portrait of the person, what we expect them to be like. What we expect their personality to be like. And I think that maybe, the fact that all the images aren't there are quite interesting. We wonder what the could have put. Perhaps we imagine what their image would have been.

I actually like the outcome at this point but will still discuss it through within my tutorial.

I am unsure on the display exactly at the minute. I still want to give out 9 cameras to different people as I think the outcome could potentially be really interesting. I still plan on having it within a gallery setting. It will either be shown in 9 grids of 27 or 27 grids of 9. I think this is very dependent on what images come back and honestly, how they work in each of these grids. I'm not sure whether I can decide this until I see them all for myself. I am also unsure whether to just have spaces within the grids or print out the blank images. I almost like the idea of the space on the wall, but if there is too much space then I'm not sure how it would work.

I can imagine this working effectively within a book as well. The gaps within the image sequences wouldn't feel so out of place. But again I would have to decide how the images would be grouped together - would it be per person, or per question?

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